There is presence of grade AAA replicas which is 99.99% close to the original EXCEPT that they issue a fake "1 year warranty" card that most blogshops claim to have.
All headphones are imported from USA BEATS BY DR DRE AUTHORIZED RESELLERS( and we do issue a WARRANTY CARD from the USA besides the warranty manual.
How to tell if the online seller is selling authentic Beats by Dr Dre?
The very easy give away of whether the seller is selling a pair of authentic Beats by Dr Dre is the warranty card issued by the seller.
Note: The warranty card and the warranty manual is TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!The warranty manual is the booklet that fake Beats have too,however authentic Beats have the warranty issued from the purchased country while the fakes do not.The best way to tell if your reseller is selling real or fakes is to ask them if they issue a warranty card from the exported country.
No matter how the packaging and everything might seem real,if there is no warranty card,you're
probably getting the fake ones.Warranty Card is always packaged with box.
The card looks something like this:(different regions have different warranty card designs)
If you dont have this in your box after you have bought from your online reseller,your Beats are FAKE!
How to Order?
**Please note that we do not to refunds or exchanges.**
To order, simply PM/inbox/comment on our pictures( or contact us at 8-2-4-8-8-5-3-6 and we will get back to you ASAP.
You're required to put in a full deposit after we have confirmed the orders with you. You will receive the goods 7-10 days as we offer efficient delivery services.
A tracking number of your shipment would be sent to you after you have paid the amount.